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South Carolina’s marijuana laws

While the possession and sale of marijuana remain illegal under federal law, many states have legalized or decriminalized this drug. However, South Carolina still retains relatively severe penalties for marijuana. Despite various attempts to change the state’s...

Penalties for DUI in South Carolina

South Carolina motorists arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance could receive either misdemeanor or felony charges. Even for a first offense, the state mandates minimum jail time for DUI. If you are facing a South Carolina DUI...

What are benzodiazepines?

Benzodiazepines are depressant drugs used to treat seizures, muscle spasms, insomnia or anxiety. Because of their potential for abuse, they are Schedule IV controlled substances. This means they are only available with a prescription.  Doctors first developed...

What is the Controlled Substances Act?

If you find yourself dealing with drug charges, it may be hard to know what the differences between illegal and controlled substances are. Many of the common guidelines used come from one statute, which categorizes each drug into a clear classification. Knowing about...