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Is A Breathalyzer Test Reliable?

Anyone pulled over driving with a blood alcohol content of 0.08 percent or higher can be charged with driving under the influence. The most accurate way of determining someone’s BAC is a blood test, however these are inconvenient and invasive, especially during a...

What are standardized field sobriety tests?

South Carolina drivers like you must familiarize yourself with your road rights. Know what to expect if an officer ever pulls you over on suspicion of driving under the influence.  An officer who suspects you of DUI will likely administer a test. The first one you may...

Can a DUI charge ruin your scholastic career?

South Carolina college students like you have a long road ahead. You have plans for the courses you want to take. You could involve yourself in extracurricular activities. You may even have job prospects already lined up.  Unfortunately, this may grind to a halt after...

Prescription drugs and DUI charges

Drivers are well aware of the consequences of getting behind the wheel after drinking alcohol, not only in terms of the risks associated with drunk driving but also with regard to a law enforcement official stopping them for intoxicated driving and the penalties that...

The holidays and DUI checkpoints

During the holiday season, many families come together to catch up and enjoy festivities. Stirling & O’Connell realizes these celebrations frequently involve alcohol, which leads to serious problems in some instances when people get behind the wheel after...