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Owning and carrying a firearm in South Carolina

South Carolina gun laws, like the gun laws of many states, are complex and easy to misunderstand. It’s important to do your research before purchasing a gun — particularly since the state does not have any statute of limitations on criminal prosecution. As FindLaw...

Why you need to keep your record clean

When people face charges and know they are innocent, they might believe the truth will literally set them free. This does happen quite often, but there is no guarantee. Many people who are innocent of crimes end up in prison because the system is not perfect. It is...

Are you really innocent until proven guilty?

One of the most valued concepts in a South Carolina courtroom is that you are innocent until a judge or jury finds you guilty due to proof that you did the crime. The presumption of innocence is sacred because it helps keep the legal system fair. However, this concept...

3 factors that affect murder investigations

While plea bargains are quite common in many criminal cases in South Carolina, they are not as common when it comes to murder charges. This means a full investigation must take place to provide evidence for the prosecution to use at trial. However, many murder cases...

Do you know the rights you have when arrested?

If you have been accused of or arrested for committing a crime in South Carolina, you have rights whether you are guilty or innocent. It is important that you know these rights before you end up in a bad situation so you know exactly what you do and do not have to say...